Saturday, 23 January 2021

What Is Coding & C Programming Language? C Language Tutorial #2


So guys you are on your 2nd tutorial now, which means that you have chosen to learn C language. This tutorial has three phases. I will discuss each of them in detail with you. So let’s start with the 1st one.

What is coding?

If we look at the definition i.e. “ coding is the ability to write computer programs”. The definition explains nothing at all, so I am going to explain you in simple words. Coding is a way of communication with the computer. As we know that computer is a dumb machine and it can not work properly until it is provided with instructions. Instructions to the computer are provided using different languages in order for it to do specific tasks.

We have different options i.e. languages through which we can communicate through computer, some of which are low level, that are closer to computer’s understanding i.e. Machine language or C and some are high level that required more processing time in order to transfer the commands or instructions to computer hardware i.e. Python.

Programming or coding is an act of telling the computer, what to do? Without it computer is useless. Programming Languages makes it easier for us to communicate to computer because they work as an intermediary language that both computers and humans can understand.

In 2nd phase we are briefly going to cover the history of C.


C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. At that time, he was working at bell laboratories of AT&T. AT&T is an American multinational conglomerate holding company. It wasn’t the first programming language as before it B, BCPL were being used but there we a lot of problems related to those language and they weren’t that much easier to use. After the introduction of C in the tech industry, it soon got fame without any promotion or advertisement of any sort and till now it is being used widely.

The third thing we will be discussing in this tutorial is our Course and its designed.

Course Content:

This is a unique course as this is specially designed keeping in mind the welfare of the viewer. This course is going to help you the most if you see it in sequence as all of the videos are designed in a way that will start you off from a beginner’s level and take you to an expert level.

The starting topics are easy and simple such as data types, operators, if else statements, etc. but yet well explained as they are the basis of the language. Then we move on to the intermediate topics such as Strings, Arrays or pointers and at the end we will move towards the most advance topics such as File I/O or Function Pointers, etc.

There are also a lot of exercise included in these tutorials, so you might test your skills or learnings and can also evaluate your performance.


This course is going to make you an expert level C programmer if you take it seriously and it is also going to help you with other languages as C++, which is very much like C. If you have learned C than you have learned about 60-70% C++. It will also help you with Python as moving towards a simpler language is more easier.


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